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How to deal with online harassment on Online Gaming Platforms

Online Gaming platforms, on top of offering games, are also platforms for   social interaction. A space where people, sharing the same interests, come together to have a good time while playing games. As idyllic as it sounds this is not always the case. Being part of an online gaming platform implies being prone to online harassment; especially as a woman. According to a survey conducted by, 68% of female gamers reported that they have experienced online harassment. The harassment they’ve faced have mostly been  gender-based or unwanted sexual advances. For 56% of women in gaming committees the harassment has been so severe that it even impacted their enjoyment and participation in games.

“But should we ever compromise what we enjoy doing the most because of the ignorance of our peers?”


When facing online harassment there are important steps you need to take, in order to protect yourself, denounce this type of behavior and reduce the chances of it happening again. 

The first step to take is documenting the harassment!  You should take screenshots, save messages and keep records of the incidents. This will allow you to have tangible proof of what happened. Once all your evidence is gathered it is time to report, report and report! Every online gaming platform has reporting tools.  Don’t hesitate, just use them!  Introduce your complaint as well as the proofs you have on hand. This action is very crucial, since it helps to address the behavior and potentially prevent further incidents.

Last but not least, this type of harassment can really take a toll on a person, leading to  anxiety, depression, self-esteem loss and many others. It is therefore really important to seek support from a professional who  will guide through the whole process. You can also reach out to your parents and friends and share your concerns with them. Another option would also be joining a  support group where you can share your experience with people going through the same situation.

Always remember that the greatest weapon you have is to denounce this type of behavior by reporting it and therefore allowing all the  girls and women in the gaming community to keep on enjoying playing games online. 

Because “Girls just want a good game”!


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